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Showing posts from June, 2021

New Advertised Programmes, Courses and Information (5 June 2021) Part 3: The UWI Open Campus TT Short Courses

The following Programmes, Courses and Information were advertised on or before 5 June 2021. The sources include; websites, mailing lists, RSS feeds, newspaper ads and other social media posting and advertisements. We try to gather information from direct sources in the hope that the information is correct but we always advise that you consult with the learning institutions directly for confirmation of the information provided. View these and other programmes and courses at our updated  Programmes and Courses ,  Subjects , and  Fields of Study  pages. The University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus TnT Short Courses July - September 2021 ( The University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus TnT )   As always, we hope this information helps you on your educational journey.  Regards, Admin.

New Advertised Programmes, Courses and Information (5 June 2021) Part 2: SBCS Short Courses

The following Programmes, Courses and Information were advertised on or before 5 June 2021. The sources include; websites, mailing lists, RSS feeds, newspaper ads and other social media posting and advertisements. We try to gather information from direct sources in the hope that the information is correct but we always advise that you consult with the learning institutions directly for confirmation of the information provided. View these and other programmes and courses at our updated  Programmes and Courses ,  Subjects , and  Fields of Study  pages. SBCS Short Courses June - December 2021 ( SBCS Global Learning Institute Ltd ) As always, we hope this information helps you on your educational journey.  Regards, Admin.

New Advertised Programmes, Courses and Information (5 June 2021) Part 1: MIC, St. Andrews Theological College, Civil Aviation Training Center Courses

The following Programmes, Courses and Information were advertised on or before 5 June 2021. The sources include; websites, mailing lists, RSS feeds, newspaper ads and other social media posting and advertisements. We try to gather information from direct sources in the hope that the information is correct but we always advise that you consult with the learning institutions directly for confirmation of the information provided. View these and other programmes and courses at our updated  Programmes and Courses ,  Subjects , and  Fields of Study  pages. MIC Short Courses July 2021 ( MIC Institute of Technology ) St. Andrews Theological College Summer Courses 2021 ( St. Andrews Theological College (SATC) ) Civil Aviation Training Center IATA 2021 Programmes ( The Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority ) As always, we hope this information helps you on your educational journey.  Regards, Admin.

Update: 28 May - 9 June 2021 - Added More Programmes (+1600 total), Subjects and Institutions (+60 total)

In this update: More programmes were added. The total is now 1625 programmes and courses. More Subjects were added. The total is now 298 subject categories. The information at the top of the page was updated with the new number of programmes and institutions. The length of the drop down list was adjusted on each page of the site. Previously, it extended beyond the length of the tables. The tables were updated to show New (red text) and Recent (orange text) Programmes added. We subscribed to a number of educational mailing lists and rss feeds to be alerted when new programmes are advertised. A WhatsApp group was created to share info about new programmes as soon as we receive them. The drop down lists was updated on the Programmes, Subjects, Field of Study pages. Regards, Admin.