Learning Institutions in Guyana
The following table lists 36 learning institutions in Guyana. This list is regularly updated and more learning institutions will be added soon.
Learning Institutions in Guyana
Select an Institution to go to the Institution details in the table below.
Institution | Address | Phone | Website | Other/Satellite Site Information | ||
2 | American International School of Medicine | 89 Middleton & Sandy Babb Streets, Kitty, Guyana, South America | 592 225 2242 | https://aism.edu/, https://umcas.com/school/aism/ | info@aism.edu | None |
3 | American University of Peace Studies Inc. | 135 Sheriff & Fourth Sts., Campbellville, Georgetown, Guyana; 128 Akawini and Sheriff Streets, Campbellville. 592 Georgetown, Guyana | 592 231 1284, 592 652 2344, 592 227 1028, 592 225 7030, 592 231 5788, 592 227 1939 | https://auops.org/ | project.officer@auops.org | None |
4 | Art Williams and Harry Wendt Aeronautical Engineering School | Eugene F. Correia International Airport. Ogle, East Coast Demerara, Guyana | 592-222-1210/7045/2155/1211 | https://www.aesguyana.net/ | awhwaes@gmail.com | None |
5 | College of Excellence, Management, & Business | Critchlow Labour College, Front Building, Woolford Avenue, Non-Pareil Park, Georgetown, Guyana | (592) 627-6223/ 618-3434 / 681-3434, (592) 225-1395, 225-1397-9 | https://cemb.edu.gy/ | info@cemb.edu.gy | None |
6 | Computer World Medical Institute | Vlissengen Rd & Gordon Street, Kitty, Georgetown, Guyana | 592-225-1032, 592-227-6619, 592 649 7039 | https://computerworldinstitute.com/ | computerworldguyana@gmail.com | None |
7 | Critchlow Labour College | Main Campus – Wolford Avenue, Thomas Lands, Georgetown Guyana | 592-226-2481/3 | http://critchlowlabourcollegegy.com/ | critchlowlcollege@yahoo.com | None |
8 | Essequibo Technical Institute | Industrial Site, Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast, Guyana | 592-771-1594, 592-771-4537 | https://etimoodle.com/ | esquibotech@gmail.com | None |
9 | Georgetown American University | 81 Croal Street, Georgetown, Guyana, South America | 592-226-1375, 592-226-3858 | https://gau.edu.gy/ | info@gau.edu.gy | None |
10 | Government Technical Institute | Woolford Avenue, Non-Pariel Park, Georgetown, Guyana | 592-226-2468, (592)226-2460 | http://www.gtigeorgetown.com/ | admissions@gtigeorgetown.com | None |
11 | Greenheart Medical University | 139 4th St. Campbellville, Georgetown, Guyana, South America | 592-227-5619 | https://gmu.edu.gy/ | info@gmu.edu.gy | None |
12 | Guyana Civil Aviation Training School | Control Tower Complex, Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri, Guyana | (592) 261-5277 | http://www.gcaa-gy.org/ | info@gcaa-gy.org | None |
13 | Guyana Industrial Training Centre | 100 Albert Street and Woolford Avenue, Non-Pariel Park, Georgetown, Guyana | (592)- 226-6196 | https://gitcguyana.com/ | gitc_2009@yahoo.com | None |
14 | Guyana Learning Institute | 59 High Street and Wights Lane, Kingston Georgetown, Guyana | 1 592 227 2091 | https://guyanalearninginst.wixsite.com/website | guyanalearninginstitute@gmail.com | None |
15 | Guyana Online Academy of Learning | Lot 5 GUYSUCO Compound , Ogle Airstrip Road, Georgetown, Guyana | 592 687 6331, 592 643 7783, 222-5391 | https://goal.edu.gy/ | info@goal.edu.gy | None |
16 | Guyana School of Agriculture | Guyana School of Agriculture Corporation Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara | 220-2297, 771-1387 | https://gsa.edu.gy/ | gsa.campus@gmail.com | Essequibo Branch – Cotton Field, Essequibo Coast. Reg. 2. |
17 | JTW & Associates Management Institute Inc. | Sunflower Avenue Eccles AA. East Bank Demerara, Guyana | 592-223-5148 / 592-625-8297 | https://www.jtwmanagement.com/ | info@jtwmanagement.com | None |
18 | Kuru Kuru Cooperative College | 592 Georgetown, Guyana | 592 227 3927 | http://kurukurucollege.1colony.com/catalog.html , https://kkcc.edu.gy/ | collegekurukuru@gmail.com | None |
19 | Lincoln American University, School of Medicine (LAU) | 8A & 8B, Water & Barrack Street, Kingston, Guyana, 413741 | 592 225 2241, 1800 843 9595 | https://www.laumed.org/ | Info@Laumed.Org | None |
20 | Link2Learn Educational Services | 249 Oronoque Street, Bourda, Georgetown, Guyana, South America | (877) 897-3785 | https://www.link2learnint.org/ | Link2LearnInt@gmail.com | None |
21 | Mahaicony Technical and Vocational Training Centre | Park mahaicony, East Coast Demerara, Guyana, South America | (592) 221 2199 | https://mtvtc.org/ | mahaicony.ti@moe.gov.gy | None |
22 | Ministry of Education, Guyana | 26 Brickdam, Georgetown, Guyana | Phone: (592) 223-7900, Mobile: (592) 623-4010 | https://education.gov.gy/web2/ | pr@moe.gov.gy | None |
23 | National Accreditation Council Guyana | 109 Barima Avenue, Bel-Air Park, Georgetown, Guyana. | (592) 225 - 9526, (592) 223 - 7901, (592) 225 - 7662 | https://www.nac.gov.gy/ | info@nac.gov.gy | None |
24 | Nations Incorporated | 41-42 New Market / Main Streets, Georgetown, Guyana | (592) 225-4516, (592) 227-4623, (592) 226-5781 | http://www.nations.gy/ | director@nations.gy | None |
25 | New Amsterdam Technical Institute | 75 Garrison Road, Fort Ordnance 05926, New Amsterdam, Guyana | 592-333-2702/2562 | https://www.natechnical.com/ | natechnicalinstitute@yahoo.com, newamsterdam.ti@meo.gov.gy | None |
26 | New Guyana School Inc. | Lot NGS, Huston Gardens, Georgetown, Guyana | 592-225-2135 | https://www.newguyanaschool.com/ | None | |
27 | QualiTest Training Institute | 390 Ganges St Prashad Nagar, Georgetown, Guyana | 592-613-4122 | https://sites.google.com/qualitestinc.com/qualitestinc/home | contact@qualitestinc.com | None |
28 | Rajiv Gandhi University of Science and Technology | 46-47, 3rd Street, UG Road, Cummingslodge, East Coast, Demerara Greater Georgetown, Guyana, South America | 592-222-6075-81, 592-650-7981 | https://rgust.edu.gy/ | info@rgust.edu.gy, ao@rgust.edu.gy | None |
29 | Schools of Nursing (Georgetown, New Amsterdam) | Angoys Ave NA, New Amsterdam, Guyana | 333 6436 | None | ||
30 | Texila American University | Lot 2442, Plantation Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD), Guyana, South America | 592 222 5224, 592 265 7653, 592 265 7655 | https://gy.tauedu.org/ | info@tauedu.org | None |
31 | The Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) | CPCE, Turkeyen Campus, Turkeyen, Guyana | 592-222-4445 | https://cpce.edu.gy/ | info@cpce.gy | Georgetown: CPCE, Turkeyen Campus, Turkeyen, Guyana; Anna Regina: Department of Education Compound; Linden: Karakara Primary, Linden; Rose Hall: JC Chandrasing Secondary School, Rose Hall Town Corentyne, Berbice; Vreed en Hoop: Vreed-en-Hoop Primary; St. Lust: Rohena De Haas Education Centre, Kwakwani, Water Front Road, Berbice River . . . |
32 | The National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD) | 3 Battery Road Kingston, Georgetown, Guyana | 592 623 4010 | https://education.gov.gy/en/ | None | |
33 | Universal Emergency Care | 145 Crown Street, Queenstown, Georgetown, Guyana | 227-5027, 227-5028 | https://universalemergencycare.com/ | info@universalemergencycare.com, director@emslife.com | None |
34 | University of Guyana | The University of Guyana: Turkeyen Campus, Greater Georgetown, Guyana | "(592)-222-2740 (592)-623-8325" | https://uog.edu.gy/ | admissions@uog.edu.gy | None |
35 | University of the Southern Caribbean (Guyana Campus) | 40 Anira Street, Queenstown, Georgetown, Guyana | 592-223-9380 | https://usc.edu.tt/guyana-campus/ | guyana@usc.edu.tt | None |
36 | Upper Corentyne Industrial Training Centre | 79 Village, Kingston, Corriverton, Berbice, Guyana | (592) 339 2218, (592) 339 2210 | https://ucitccorriverton.com/ | ucitc@moe.gov.gy, ucitc@yahoo.com | None |
Table Last Updated: 30 September 2022
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