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Showing posts from January, 2022

31 Jan 2022 Programmes Info (HEART NSTA Trust, IIB, Technical Institute for Learning Limited…) (BB, JM, TnT)

The following content includes links to programmes, courses and education information shared on or before 31 January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean. The sources include; websites, mailing lists, RSS feeds, newspaper ads and other social media posting and advertisements. View these and other programmes and courses at our updated  Programmes and Courses , and Subjects pages. Programmes, courses and education information shared on or before 31 January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean: Digital Animation, Accounts and Other Programmes at HEART NSTA Trust (Stony Hill HEART Academy)  (Jamaica)      Jamaica programmes, courses and education information shared on or before 27 January 2022. Programmes: House Keeping (Full Time), Customer Service Supervision - Level 3 (Full Time), Food & Beverage Services - Level 2 (Full Time), Digital Animation - Level 2 (Full Time)... READ      Site: https://learnitinfojm....

30th Jan 2022 Programmes Info (UCC, UWI Cave Hill, President College…) (JM, BB, TT)

The following content includes links to programmes, courses and education information shared on or before 30 January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean. The sources include; websites, mailing lists, RSS feeds, newspaper ads and other social media posting and advertisements. View these and other programmes and courses at our updated  Programmes and Courses , and Subjects pages. Programmes, courses and education information shared on or before 30 January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean: FIU Master of Science in Engineering Management (MSEM) Programme at the Caribbean at the University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC)  (Jamaica)      Jamaica programmes, courses and education information shared on or before 28 January 2022. FIU Master of Science in Engineering Management (MSEM) Programme at the Caribbean at the University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC) (University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC))... READ   ...

T&T 27th - 28th Jan 2022 Programmes at (CIPRIANI, Open Campus, Trinizuela…)

The following content includes links to programmes, courses and education information shared on or before OR between 27th - 28th January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean. The sources include; websites, mailing lists, RSS feeds, newspaper ads and other social media posting and advertisements. View these and other programmes and courses at our updated  Programmes and Courses , and Subjects pages. Programmes, courses and education information shared on or before OR between 27th - 28th January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean: Spanish for Security Professionals Course at CIPRIANI College (Starts March 2022)  (T&T)      Programme / Course: Spanish for Security Professionals, Institution: CIPRIANI College, Country: Trinidad and Tobago... READ      Site: Full-Time & Part-Time Certificate Programmes at UWI Open Campus T&T (February 2022)  (T&T)  ...

Logistics and Transport Diploma at Nations Inc. 2022 (Guyana)

The following “Guyana” programmes, courses and education information were advertised on or before 28 January 2022. The sources include; websites, mailing lists, RSS feeds, newspaper ads and other social media posting and advertisements. We try to gather information from direct sources in the hope that the information is correct but we always advise that you consult with the learning institutions directly for confirmation of the information provided. View these and other programmes and courses at our updated  Programmes and Courses , and Subjects pages. You can also view country specific programmes, courses and education information for: Barbados at   Jamaica at   Trinidad and Tobago at Logistics and Transport Diploma at Nations Inc. 2022 (Guyana) ( Nations Inc. ) "For more information call 225-4516, or email or treshan.budhram@nation...

26th - 27th Jan 2022 Shared Programmes Info From (HEART NSTA Trust…) (Jamaica)

The following content includes links to programmes, courses and education information shared on or before 26 January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean. The sources include; websites, mailing lists, RSS feeds, newspaper ads and other social media posting and advertisements. View these and other programmes and courses at our updated  Programmes and Courses , and Subjects pages. Programmes, courses and education information shared on or before 26 January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean: Office, Construction and Other Programmes at HEART NSTA Trust (January 2022)  (Jamaica)      Jamaica programmes, courses and education information shared on or before 24 January 2022. “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”-Malcolm X... READ      Site: Administrative Management Programme at Management Institute for Na...

Barbados , Trinidad and Tobago Programmes Shared 23 - 25 Jan 2022 (CTS College, Academy of Tertiary Studies…)

The following content includes links to programmes, courses and education information shared between 23 - 25 January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean. The sources include; websites, mailing lists, RSS feeds, newspaper ads and other social media posting and advertisements. View these and other programmes and courses at our updated  Programmes and Courses , and Subjects pages. Programmes, courses and education information shared between 23 - 25 January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean: Advanced Graphic Design Course at CTS College (January 2022)  (Trinidad and Tobago)      Programme / Course: Advanced Graphic Design: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop Institution: CTS College Country: Trinidad and Tobago... READ      Site: Law Degree Programmes at Academy of Tertiary Studies (April 2022)  (Trinidad and Tobago)      Programme / Co...

18th - 19th Jan 2022 Shared Programmes Info (UWI Open Campus, BIMAP, UTT…) (BB, JM, TT)

The following content includes links to programmes, courses and education information shared between 18th - 19th January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean. The sources include; websites, mailing lists, RSS feeds, newspaper ads and other social media posting and advertisements. View these and other programmes and courses at our updated  Programmes and Courses , and Subjects pages. Programmes, courses and education information shared between 18th - 19th January 2022 by institutions in the Caribbean: Social Work and Mental Health Courses from UWI OC-Social Work Training and Research Centre February and March 2022  (Jamaica)      Jamaica programmes, courses and education information shared on or before 11 January 2022. Social Work and Mental Health Courses from UWI OC-Social Work Training and Research Centre February and March 2022 (UWI Open Campus)... READ      Site: ...

Caribbean Programmes and Courses (Updated 1 Jan 2022)

Programmes and Courses in the Caribbean (Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago) The following table lists 2000+ programmes and courses provided by institutions in the Caribbean (Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago). This list is regularly updated and more programmes, courses and countries will be added soon. Programmes and Courses by Institutions in the Caribbean (Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago) Select an Institution to go to the Institution in the table below. Check out the New and Recent programmes and courses in the list. Choose an Institution: The University of the West Indies (UWI): Open Campus - Barbados ( Barbados ) University of Southern Caribbean (USC) Barbados Satellite Centre ( Barbados ) The University of the West Indies (UWI): Open Campus - Jamaica ( Jamaica ) Academy of Tertiary Studies (ATS) Limited ( Trinidad and Tobago ) Adult Literacy Tutors Association (ALTA) ( Trinidad and Tobago ) Advanced Solutions Techn...