Learning Institutions in Barbados
The following table lists 28 learning institutions in Barbados. This list is regularly updated and more learning institutions will be added soon.
Learning Institutions in Barbados
Select an Institution to go to the Institution details in the table below.
Institution | Address | Phone | Website | Other/Satellite Site Information | ||
2 | American University of Barbados | Wildey, St. Michael | (246) 428-2000, (246)-826-6330 | https://www.aubmed.org/ | records@aubmed.org, info@aubmed.org | |
3 | American University of Integrative Sciences | #9, 5th Avenue Belleville, St. Michael | (246) 622 2454, (866) 672 9980, (678)269-4707 | https://www.auis.edu/ | admissions@auis.edu | |
4 | Barbados Community College | Eyrie, Howell's Cross Road, St. Michael | 246-426-2858 | https://bcc.edu.bb | eyrie@bcc.edu.bb | |
5 | Barbados Institute of Management of Productivity | BIMAP Drive, Wildey, St. Michael | 246-431-4200 | https://www.bimapbb.com/ | info@bimapbb.com | Barbados Technological Training Centre, Building No. 3, Harbour Industrial Estate, Harbour Road, Bridgetown, 246-228-6201 |
6 | Barbados Vocational Training Board | Lawrence Green House, Cr. St. Paul's Ave & Culloden Road, St. Michael | 1-246-621 2882 | https://bvtb.gov.bb | info@bvtb.gov.bb | |
7 | Caribbean Cosmetology & Esthetic Academy Inc. | Mall, 89 Roebuck St, Bridgetown, Barbados | (246) 820-3886, WhatsApp (246) 284-1052 | https://www.caribbeancosmetologyacademy.com | caribbeancosmetologyacademy@gmail.com | |
8 | Caribbean Infinity Institute | Wysteria Court, Dayrells Road, Christ Church | https://www.caribinfinity.net | https://www.caribinfinity.net/contact/ | ||
9 | Caribbean School of Holistic Therapies, Health & Wellness | Ascot Great House, Ascot Avenue, Gibbs, St. Peter | 1 246 833 4754 | https://schoolofholistictherapies.com | hello@schoolofholistictherapies.com | |
10 | College of International Radio Broadcasting | Pine Cot, Philip Drive,Pine Gardens, St. Michael | 246-546-7965 | http://www.cirbroadcasting.com | http://www.cirbroadcasting.com/contactform.html | |
11 | Erdiston Teachers' Training College | Pine Hill, St. Michael, Barbados | 1 (246) 535-3247 | https://ettc.edu.bb | admin@ettc.edu.bb | |
12 | Grace & Truth Critical Incident Training and Consultancies | #125 Atlantic Park, Bel-Air, St. Philip | (246) 416-3459 | http://graceandtruthnextlevel.com | grace-truth01@hotmail.com | |
13 | Insurance Institute of Barbados Inc. | Ground Floor, Weymouth Corporate Centre, Roebuck Street, St. Michael | (246) 426-4882, (246) 228-9778 | https://www.iibinsuranceinstitute.org | info@iab.org.bb, studentaffairs@iab.org.bb | |
14 | International Academy of Cosmetology IAC | "Franklin House", Wildey, St. Michael | 1 246-546-6842, 1 246-244-3126 | https://www.facebook.com/iacosmetology/ | iacosmetology@outlook.com | |
15 | Learning and Development Directorate (LD), formerly Training Administration Division | Level 5, Warrens Towers 2, Warrens, St. Michael | 1 246-535-6700 | http://training.gov.bb | ld@mps.gov.bb | |
16 | Notes of Praise Inc. | Stanmore Crescent, Black Rock, St. Michael | (246) 243-8512, 1 246-271-3952 | https://www.notesofpraise.com | register@notesofpraise.com, notesofpraise@caribsurf.com | |
17 | Passiflora Ltd. | Andromeda Botanical Gardens, Bathsheba, St. Joseph | 1 246-433-9384 | http://www.andromedabarbados.com/ | sharon@andromedabarbados.com | |
18 | Peacehaven Holistic Therapy School Inc. | Winsome Cottage, Upton, St. Michael, Barbados, West Indies; 61 Coconut Palm Avenue, Gemswick, St. Philip | 246 426 7815, 246 571 2353 | https://www.peacehavenschool.com | peacehaven_school@hotmail.com | |
19 | Queen's University College of Medicine | Society Hill, St. John, Barbados | (678) 819-3777 | http://qucom.edu.bb | info@QUCOM.edu.bb | |
20 | REA Envirohealth International | Building #2, Suite 102A, Harbour Industrial Estate Barbados | (246) 436-5833, (246) 237-7435 / (246) 258-7993 | http://www.rea-ehi.com/ | rea-envirohealth@rea.ca | |
21 | Regional Management Services | P.O. Box 845, Bridgetown, Barbados W.I. | (246) 230-9322 | http://www.regionalmanagementservices.com | rmsinc@caribsurf.com | |
22 | Ross University School of Medicine Barbados Inc. | Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, Two Mile, St. Michael | 1 855-637-6778, 754-707-5547 | https://medical.rossu.edu | admissions@rossu.edu | |
23 | Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute | Wildey, St. Michael, Barbados | (246) 535-2200 | https://sjpi.edu.bb | info@sjpi.edu.bb, studentservices@sjpi.edu.bb | |
24 | Testis Security Systems | Akono Building, Bank Hall, St. Michael | 1 246-262-1824 | https://www.facebook.com/TSSystems246/ | tssg.barbados@gmail.com | |
25 | The Codrington Language Centre | Golf Club Road, Rockley, Christ Church, Barbados | 1 (246) 429-9058 | https://codringtonlanguagecentre.com | contactus@codringtonlanguagecentre.com | |
26 | The University of the West Indies (UWI): Open Campus - Barbados | The University of the West Indies, Open Campus P.O. Box 1341, Bridgetown, Cave Hill, St. Michael, BB11000, Barbados, W.I. | (246) 417-4022, (246) 424-0722, (246) 430-1120 | https://www.open.uwi.edu/barbados | barbados@open.uwi.edu | Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos |
27 | The University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus | The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, P.O. Box 64, St. Michael, BB11000, Barbados, W.I. | (246) 417-4000, (246) 417-0246 | www.cavehill.uwi.edu | admissions@cavehill.uwi.edu | |
28 | University of Southern Caribbean (USC) Barbados Satellite Centre | #3 Alphonso House, Corner 1st and 2nd Avenue George Street, Belleville, St. Michael | 1 246-629-3100, 1-868-639-5081 Ext 2300/1/4 | https://usc.edu.tt/barbados-campus/ | barbados@usc.edu.tt |
Table Last Updated: 30 September 2022
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